Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Almost frusterated

i am soo "ready" for school

i went to get my coming of age class-3rd(which i didnt sign up for) removed and get early release instead (that way with career focus also i would only be taking 4 classes-which is how it should be for seniors) and change my color and design class-5th to any other art class-and they couldnt do anything for me! that is just ridiculous, i am a senior, i should be getting what i want! im not saying this in a bratty tone but come on.. first come first serve does not apply in these circumstances, i am pissed, so i went around the entire school where less than 1/2 of the teachers were there asking each one if could TA for them because apparently, i am getting early release 7th period.. which doesnt even make sense! and she cant have a gap in the middle of my schedule! and there are no other art classes open!!! omgggggasdfjlaskejfsd,mie wow i know. i dont care if i dont find someone to TA for.. i am not going to that coming of age class because they just threw me in it for no reason.. i did not sign up for it.. i am not going.. i hope journalism works out.. i mean i hope ium not the only senior and i hope we are assigned stories instead of having to come up with them ourselves.. i already do that.. thats my job..

long story short-school hasnt even started and i am sick of it.

Monday, August 27, 2007


so i reached into the freezer to grab a couple blueberry eggos
last two

after toasting for some time i noticed i was not being overcome with the delicious smell of blueberry yumminess

i stood waiting for them to pop [and when they did i jumped] but then i took a good look at them and realized they were chocolate chip!

this may be a pleasant surprise for some people
but no
no no not me


my morning-is not off to a good start i guess

now, i must go shower-and go to mead to figure some schedule stuff out
sooooo soon.

supply shopping today!

ps. i have a friend
over there >>
check him out
youll love him
everyone does

ilyzak :D

work web pageish thing


ughhhhhh my photo is awful-teeth it is.

Monday, August 13, 2007

another sad one

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


i cant believe, now that im your man, and i get to kiss you baby just because i can"

that makes me smile every time
i wish a guy thought that about me

someday-someone will :D

Friday, August 10, 2007

joshua radin

you have my heart <3