Saturday, September 15, 2007

not to you.

four missed calls:

I want to hang out with Dan, a lot actually, but I know I won't be able to.. I should just call him anyway..

Cassie.. Well.. I know I just won't have a good time. I might as well sit at home doing nothing.. that way I'm not putting myself somewhere I know I shouldn't be.

I called Mallissa back.. idk why I hesitated to.. no answer though.. she's probably already out.

I called Drake back also.. even though after thinking about it I knew he was just calling to see if I would be at the Bright Eyes show.. nope.. the yougin ditched me.. again.. anyway, when I called shocker.. that was it.. but he's not going anymore either.. and that was all he wanted.

He still likes Karin

Honestly-I really think I was just falling for him because he is a good christian boy.. and I could use one of those :D

Last night.. I went to applebees after FUEL w/Pat, Drake, Keith, and Josh.. Nate was working, he came and sat down [by me :]lol] to talk to us for a bit.. he was just getting off.. we had some good laughs there.. I laugh a lot when I'm w/them.

Then.. we [Pat, Keither, and myself] went to Nate's house and "played" "" as in I watched.. Halo3 [we had game fuel n all hah] but I wore a headset :D and then.. I fell asleep.. wearing the headset lol anyway, I think we were there til like ONE! crazy I know.. but it's not my fault! I fell asleep! lol whatev, at least it is like .7 minutes from my house.

I had a good night.
I felt good.
I smiled a lot.
I laughed a lot.

And tonight.. I sit at home.
Waiting for a real phone call maybe.
Maybe someday someone will just show up.
Meanwhile.. I will be here.. washing the keyboard w/my fingers.. listening to the same old Joshua Radin-the love of my music life :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

having fun is possible and you do have friends. let yourself be happy and you will see that its not other people keeping you from that.