School and everything that comes with it is getting really stressful.
Everyone just left (or are leaving tomorrow) so it is quiet and nice.
I am currently blaring 'I Would Do Anything For Love' oh sweet Meatloaf...
Anyway, I guess I am going home too, aaaaallll the way home.
I packed my life for my five minute trip ha
Well tomorrow I get the house completely to myself while the folks are at work and the youngin is at school, so I am going to get up, do yoga (bringing my mat), watch aladdin, do laundry, eat! you know, stuff...
maybe walk around naked
I am bringing both my Whitworth sweatshirt and mug because honestly I am really proud to be going here, I feel like I am bragging when I say I do, I love that I go to such a great school, I just still don't know if I should be here.
The ONE thing I look forward to most in life is getting married and making my husband happy, and being happy with him, traveling with him... I just don't look passed that, that's all I want, I don't want kids, I don't want a big house with a fence and a dog, I want a husband and I want to spend all the time I can with him.
I need to write, I have so many lines all over my notebooks and in my planner, saved in my phone, on my hands, in my head, I need to put them together, I NEED something and I don't know what!
I am trying to figure way too many things out and I am starting to think for myself a lot less. (I'm not even fully myself on here cause my dad reads it... hi dad!...)
On the bright side, my sister said it looks like I am losing weight :)
One day I will be here.

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